by Brenda | Oct 2, 2020 | Uncategorized
We are less than 6 weeks away from The Evies! Sponsored by the Gail Asper Family Foundation, The Winnipeg Foundation and Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries, The Evies will take place on November 2nd as a broadcast.
Today we announce the recipients of the Honorary Awards.
“In our COVID-19 isolation, the joy of being able to celebrate those in our community who have contributed so much to our art form is a lovely prospect” said Donna Fletcher, Chair of the Honorary Awards Committee. “The honorary awards are all about celebrating long-term commitment to the Winnipeg theatre community; the sung and unsung stalwarts who have given so much to our art form.”
BRENDA GORLICK is deeply connected to the local performing arts community – from youth to adults, people with disabilities and the elderly. She has worked with every major arts group, including the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre, Manitoba Opera Association, Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, Rainbow Stage, Dry Cold Productions, Théâtre Cercle Molière, and her home company – Winnipeg Studio Theatre. Brenda has devoted her life to teaching and truly understands how to educate her students – not only to instill knowledge in them but to gift them with the confidence to become educators and performers themselves. She is fearless, unflappable, up to any challenge and most importantly, kind. Brenda is an artist, a loyal colleague, a teacher, and a deeply skilled mentor to emerging and professional artists alike.
by Brenda | Sep 17, 2020 | Uncategorized
Rainbow Stage’s Pot of Gold Gala brought together nine glorious performers from various places in their professional careers…from emerging artist to Broadway star to seasoned professional, the performances gave new meaning to the power of “live theatre”. Backed by a stunning trio of musicians led by Paul de Gurse, it was an evening that brought out raw emotion and celebrated what we do best – communicate with live audiences!
Thanks to Carson Nattrass, Artistic Director of Rainbow Stage for bringing it all together, the backstage and front of house crew and of course, all the patrons and supporters who completed the recipe for a very special evening. Til the next time we “fly beyond the Rainbow”…

by Brenda | Aug 31, 2020 | Uncategorized
I am thrilled to be participating in Rainbow Stage’s fundraising picnic and Benefit Concert on Sunday, September 13th at Kildonan Park. I will be “picnic-ing” and performing along with my several of my colleagues including: Paul de Gurse, Robb Paterson, Jaz Sealey, Alyssa Crockett, Josh Caldo, Paula Potosky and more…
Tickets may be purchased online at:
by Brenda | Aug 31, 2020 | Uncategorized
StudioWork Sr. Academy is thrilled to be producing the Broadway smash hit Be More Chill (Joe Iconis) as part of their 2020-21 training program. The Senior Academy, specifically geared for students ages 15 and up is a two-tiered program combining in-class instruction and production work. The training consists of vocal work, movement and dance components and script work leading up to our production of Be More Chill in late May. Entry is by invitation or audition only.
For more information visit:
by Brenda | Aug 31, 2020 | Uncategorized
Winnipeg Studio theatre’s StudioWorks Academy is pleased to introduce a new program this season called Broadway Without Borders. We have partnered with the TCA Riverside theatre ensemble in Riverside, California to produce an original online musical called: Super Happy Awesome News, loosely based on the viral smash hit “Some Good News”, created by John Krasinski. The program runs from September thru March 2021 and our hope is that we can collaborate with other theatre companies worldwide….an exciting by-product of the pandemic.
To register visit: