Gimli Film Fest Premiere

Gimli Film Fest Premiere

“If It Ain’t Got That” premiered at the 2018 Gimli Film Fest as the winner of the RBC’s $10000 movie pitch. The brainchild of Nicola Baldwin &  Miles Crossman & , this indie short garnered me my very 1st feature in a “swing dance” based scenario opposite the uber -talented Genie Baffoe. Opening Day was a dream!

Kalcedon Island Premiere

Kalcedon Island Premiere

Winnipeg Fringe Festival saw the premiere of a fabulous new youth musical – Journey to Kalcedon Island: A Steampunk Musical by Joseph Aragon & Heather Madill. It was my pleasure to create the choreography along with my mentee, Melissa Langdon. Nominated for best original script, the musical played to near sellout crowds and is going to be revived this winter at Sisler High School under the direction of Leith Clark 


Summer StudioWorks Update

Summer StudioWorks Update

Well…I’m reaching completion of my 15th annual summer StudioWorks Academy intensive and it’s been an amazing week! Thanks to my 22 uber talented and committed emerging musical theatre artists from as far away as Thompson, MB. Shoutout to my terrific team of guest instructors: Genie Baffoe – Hip Hop master (see attached vid), Kayla Gordon- Director extraordinaire,  Laura Kolisnyk – Vivacious Voiceover specialist, Keith MacPherson – Singing/Songwriting guru, Jacqueline Harding  – Voice goddess, Jane Testar  – Improv-“aholic” and of course my irreplaceable Rebekah Jones (partner in crime), Trish Franklin (keyboard queen) and TA – Emily Meadows (former student and now “all growed up”). We accomplished a LOT in these 5 days including 22 vocal coachings, 9 scenes, 4 full choreographies, and 1 original song. Looking forward to sharing more pix and updates later.IMG_4130



Two Hit Week!!

Two Hit Week!!

I’m thrilled to say that I just completed a double hit week having opened and closed two amazing shows: Sarasvati Productions world premiere of New Beginnings – a collaborative work combining original music, dance, scene work, spoken word and video highlighting stories of new Canadians, and indigenous people AND Winnipeg Studio Theatre’s StudioWorks Academy production of School of Rock. The 28 cast members, and live band rocked the Tom Hendry Warehouse in a SOLD OUT run of this high energy musical. I couldn’t be more proud of the terrific artists I had the pleasure of working with on both projects. A SHOUTOUT to colleagues Hope McIntyre (Sarasvati) and my “sistah from anotha mutha” Kayla Gordon (WST) for making this “ride’ so memorable.

New Beginnings World Premiere

New Beginnings World Premiere

I am so thrilled to be working with Sarasvati Productions as movement co-ordinator on their upcoming world premiere – New beginnings. This project is awe-inspiring in so many ways. As a collaborative effort we are sharing stories of new Canadian immigrants, refugees and First Nations peoples to explore their life stories, struggles, and ultimate hopes for the future. Through original music, dance, scene work , monologues and video montages, we are hoping to take our audience  on a journey which will offer insight and empathy to our often marginalized members of our community.

Join us from May 22-27th at the U of Wpg’s Asper Theatre in a double bill program, along with One Trunk Theatre’s Boundary Avenue